(12+2) Zone fully programmable micro controller based LCD control panel with sepearte keypad built in auto arm.disarm, auto light on/off feature (programmable), day alert mode, omit-zone, hidden arming, seperate code & password upto 15 digits.
Main Features:
- Micro controller based fully programmable.
- All zones are programmable (guard/delay/24 hours/omit) selectable.
- One dedicated tamper zone.
- Dedicated panic alarm on keypad.
- Can detect L.P.G/Fire by adding detector.
- Password can be different from diarm code.
- Password can be from 3 digits to 15 digiits.
- Disarm code can be from 3 digits to 15 digits.
- Open zone indication on LCD display.
- Day alert mode (chime feature) is programmable.
- Zone omitting facility.
- Entry/exit time is programmable from 1 second to 999 seconds.
- Hooter time is programmable from one minute to 99 minutes.
- Automatic arming & disarming is selectable.
- Duration of the time interval for light is selectable from 1 minute to 45 minutes.
- Three status LED Mains, Battery and Armed.
- Can catch up to 4 additional keypads.
- Built in battery back up provision.
- Non volatile memory.
Exclusive Features:
- Constant chime even in disarmed mode in the entry/exit zone during the opening of the door.
- Real status of the zone either in armed/disarmed mode.
- Zone omitting facility.
- Shows the real status of zone omitted even in armed mode.
- Compatible with four extra controller (Remote Key Pad)
- Programmable entry/exit time from 1 sec to 255 seconds.
- Sounder time programmable between 2 to 20 minutes.
- Shows the real events after an intrusion.
- Automatic rearming after an intrusion.
- Auto check mode check all the doors closed or open.
- Emergency alarm even on keypad.