Smart Touch Panel Electrical Boards

Dragon Electronic System now maing your dream home, digital by smart touch switches for operating electrical appliances. These switch can by R/F Remote also by mobile App. Capacitive touch switch board are the elegant boards switch panel. Which can be operated directly from switch board, R/F remote and by mobile appliaction. Panel images are customized and chosen based on user request does not altering Aesthetics of home interior. These smart switches available in multiple variant to fit in your 2-module, 4-module, 6-module, 8-module, 12-module, switch board boxes.
These comes in following combination:
- 2_module switch box unit with 4 load control for ON/OFF.
- 3_module switch box unit with 5 load control 4 for ON/Off and 1 for level control (Dimmer).
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