dragonindia51@gmail.com H.O:1106, 1st Floor, Sec 13, U.E., Karnal

Service Details

Theft Security Alarm

Theft Security Alarm is divided into following categories:

  • Basic Alarm (LCD Panel)
  • Theft Alarm with Landline Dailer
  • Theft Alarm with GSM Dialer
  • Theft Alarm with App Control
  • Theft Alarm without keypad

Complete Service Offer Details:

We will cover each and every outer point such as doors, windows, grills, glass and exhaust fan with different types of sensors. When you will activate the system, no one can enter in your premises, if some one tries to break in, sensor will catch and alarm goes on. If you are outside of your premises then system automatically dial the telephone/mobile no. to alert you and provide the information. You can add 40 nos. with landline dialer or 64 nos. in case of GSM dialer depending upon the model. In GSM model you can even turn on and off lights with your mobile phone by call/SMS.